Sunday, February 14, 2016

Miss Polly Had a Dolly From the experience of dating with pictures like my own children, and patients I know how able to speak the truth, and it helps parents find the right approach to your children. Working with school-age children, I ask them to draw their homes and their families. If their figures each member of the family is surrounded by a shell and does not have ears that he could hear me immediately becomes clear how much must be hard to live these children.Because of children's drawings and fantasies I could learn them unsaid and to help parents understand what their children need. One little girl with cancer, drew all his family members sitting side by side on the couch; while next to them was another space, but the girl drew herself sitting alone in a chair. She said that parents and the other three children in the family did not give her enough time. Figure girl deeply touched her family and led to changes in the life and daily routine of the family.

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